Grateful | Personal

I have worked with Jessica and Jeremy this last year in capturing their son and daughter’s first year of life.  It has been such a wonderful experience to watch the babies grow up and build a relationship with Jessica and Jeremy.  I feel so thankful to have been part of such an important time in their lives and cannot thank them enough for choosing me to be their photographer.  It means the world to me that they trusted me to be the family photographer for them and I hope to continue that as well as the friendship we have created.

I met with the Cooley family this past Wednesday day for our final session of the year 🙁 and Jessica had a gift for me.  It was totally unexpected and I couldn’t be more grateful.  Not only was there a sweet hand written note, but there was also a beautiful necklace that means so much to me!  Thank you Jessica and Jeremy for your thoughtfulness, it means so much to me! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE

  • October 31, 2011 - 10:04 AM

    Jessica cooley - We love YOU!ReplyCancel