Manic Monday | Photography Business Goals

Phew!  What a busy week it was last week!  I am working through all of the sessions and weddings I have done in the last couple of weeks and am working hard to get all of my goals accomplished!  I am also hoping that we are finally in the clear with all of the sickness we have had in our home over the last month….its been exhausting taking the kids to the doctors numerous times and giving medication around the clock for weeks!  We have a few more days of meds and then I am praying we are in the clear for the rest of the summer!  🙂  Aside from that, we managed to have a pretty good week last week.  I took a day off and the kids and I went to Maymont for a few hours, took a paddle board out for a bit and got milkshakes from The Dairy Bar!  Even though it rained most of the time we were outside, it was still fun to get out of the house and DO something!  I feel like we have all been cooped up in the house for most of the summer…partly due to my working and partly due to them being sick.

It is SO hard balancing this crazy life sometimes….I know I have said it before, but being a full time business owner, raising two kids and taking care of a house is a lot of work!  I have been contemplating outsourcing a few things from my business just because I cant keep up with everything.  I am a one-woman show right now and if I focus on my business solely, then my relationship and time with the kids doesnt get the attention it needs and that isnt fair to them….after all, what is the point of “working from home” if I am never there for my kids???  We will see though!  It is difficult for me to think of giving up some of my business and letting someone else take on that task.  I know I am far from perfect when it comes to running my business, BUT I am in control of everything and that gives me a sense of security! 🙂

Anyway!  I am looking forward to this weekend because we are going to the river with some friends!  Yay!  We havent been away all summer yet, so this will be our mini getaway before our vacation at the end of this month!  Im going to work my butt off so I can RELAX!!!

Here is another sneak peek from Leigh and John’s engagement session!  I cant wait to share the rest on the blog TOMORROW!

Maymont-Park-Richmond-VA-Richmond-VA-Wedding-Photographer-Richmond-VA-Engagement-Shoot20150724_0007PIN IMAGE

And the goals!

Last week’s goals:


-Olivia’s birthday party

-RELAX this weekend!  See below!

-Mom’s M.I.M.O.S.A.S meeting at Social 52!  Come join us, 10 am on Sunday the 2nd.



-shoot newborn session

-shoot Lisa’s bridal session Tuesday

-edit and blog Leigh and John’s engagement session

-begin editing Patricia and Jon’s wedding

-wedding on Friday

-photography corporate event

-edit, edit, edit!!!!


This week’s agenda:



-start eating healthy again….summer has not been good for me

-spend the weekend at the river with friends!


Onto the photography business goals!


-continue editing

-blog sessions

-shoot conference event

-family shoot on Sunday