Cooper | 6 months!

Ok, can I just say that I CANNOT believe that this little cutie is already 6 months!!  It feels like just yesterday I was photographing his newborn session, and here he is….sitting up by himself, laughing, smiling, and just looking so grown up!! PIN IMAGEFather and son… <3! PIN IMAGEGosh!  He is just precious! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELOVE! PIN IMAGEAnd LOVE!… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGESuch a cute milestone!
PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEThis just makes me smile! 🙂 PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEWhat a cutie! PIN IMAGEWhat a FUN session!  I cannot believe that the next time we meet, little Cooper will be 1 year old!  Time goes by so fast, and I am so honored to share this first year of his life!  Thank you all so much!!

  • March 15, 2012 - 9:50 AM

    Ashley Glasco Photography - […] SO excited to see Amy and Cooper for our one year session!  I hadn’t seen Cooper since his 6 month session and boy did he CHANGE!  Not only does he have a head full of beautiful brown hair, but he is the […]ReplyCancel