Manic Monday!

What a week it was!  You’d think that things would slow down with school is letting out soon, but I think the opposite is true.  This time of year is filled with weddings, engagement and family shoots, birthdays, and more!  It is a fun and BUSY time of year!  There were so many eventful happenings this past week so I will just touch on the important ones briefly!  The first is, Carter turned four on Thursday!  If you missed his birthday post, you can check it out here.  🙂  He was so adorable when he woke up….he literally thought that when he woke up, he would be all grown up.  He even told me his clothes didn’t fit anymore because he was “growed” up lol.  He had a fun day filled with presents, Chuck E. Cheese and Geleti Celesti during the first half of the day and then more presents, swimming, and cake that evening.  All-in-all, it could not have been a more perfect birthday for a sweet four year old boy.  Saturday, Kaleigh had her birthday party with her friends at the place where she takes gymnastics.  She normally requests to have her parties at our home, however, this year she was ecstatic to be able to go to her favorite place!  The girls had a great time playing, bouncing, climbing, swinging, and doing a couple of crafts.  I even had a photo booth set up for pictures….I hope to get these photos on the blog at some point.  I had a wedding that evening(crazy I know!)  This wedding was actually a Pakistani wedding and my first time ever photographing something like this.  I must say, I was so excited because all of the girls were so dressed up and everything was beautiful!  I really enjoyed getting to be a part of such a fun event and seeing the cultural differences; it was definitely a fun learning experience for me.

PIN IMAGEAfter a very long and eventful Saturday, I got to wake up yesterday morning and clean and prepare all day for Kaleigh and Carter’s birthday party with the family!  It was a beautiful day filled with piles of presents, amazing cupcakes, good conversation, and happiness all around.  Kaleigh’s favorite present of the day was the Julie American girl doll and Carter’s favorite present was his Captain America Superhero on a motorcycle haha.   PIN IMAGEI should have taken a photo of all the toys laying around the living room was insane!  Whew!!  What a whirlwind last weekend was!  Such great memories and happy times.  And now its back to work!  Here is a recap for you…..

Last week’s goals!

Personal Goals:

-clean and decorate for the kid’s birthdays  Parties were a hit! 🙂

-workout three times…..not even once 🙁

-start a new book……any suggestions??  I think Im going to hold off on reading for a while….too behind in the editing department :/

-go strawberry picking

celebrate Carter turning FOUR on Thursday!!!   He had such a fun day!!

-have fun at Kaleigh’s party for her friends and at the joint party with the family  Both parties were SO fun!!!


Business Goals:

-have a great family photo shoot, bridal shoot, and wedding!

-edit wedding photos

edit two family sessions

-backup all files on external hard drive and free space in my computer!


This week’s goals!

Personal Goals:

-workout three times

-sign the kids up for summer reading program at the library

-clean up from the parties…ughhh

-edit birthday party photos

-try not to stress about all the things I have to do while I am at the annual girl scout camping trip Friday evening/Saturday


Business Goals:

-have fun at my three family shoots and bridal shoot this week!….another BUSY week ahead

-edit wedding photos

-edit client sessions

-client ordering session on today!


Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!


  • June 4, 2012 - 9:55 AM

    Hollie - Love that Carter said his clothes didn’t fit b/c he was “growed” up! So cute!!ReplyCancel

  • June 4, 2012 - 2:30 PM

    Megan - Very cute post! 🙂 Also, who did your cakes? They are cute! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • June 4, 2012 - 10:25 PM

    Rob - Good to see you finally backed up your files. 🙂 Sorry I missed the party but I’m sure the house was all decked out. Can’t wait to see those Pakistani wedding pics, I’m sure that was something completely different.ReplyCancel

    • June 4, 2012 - 10:29 PM

      Ashley - haha, yea it took me long enough haha! Yep, Im sure you will see the house at some point…Im not taking it down anytime soon lol! 🙂ReplyCancel